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The eventing Academy
Noosa Horse Riding
Welcome! The Eventing Academy is Noosa's premier boutique riding school offering high quality lessons taught by an international eventing rider on safe, well trained lesson horses. Our facilities include a large fenced jumping arena, dressage arena, and EA standard cross country course, specially designed to introduce students to eventing. We are dedicated to supporting riders in advancing their skills and learning about the exciting sport of Eventing!

Everything We Offer
Show Jumping
Cross Country
At The Eventing Academy, we believe in fostering good horsemanship in addition to riding skills. Instruction includes how to understand horses and what motivates them as well as an explanation of why we do things, not just how we do them.
Lessons take place both in and outside of the arenas. When we ride out, either in the fields or on trails, our students learn how to control a horse in an open environment.
Horsemanship is integrated into most lessons and goes beyond the basics of tacking and untacking and includes skills that will be required for showing or if a student eventually owns their own horse.
Our goal is calm, happy horses, and confident students.

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